Wednesday, November 7, 2007

French School Dropout

Well, not yet. But I came close today. Here's the story.

I'm here in Antibes, studying with the "CIA Antibes" language school. Shall I call this the Internet Court of Justice? It's officially NOT recommended!

I opted for the "budget" residence - I figured, i'm pretty "rustic," pretty simple, right? And I figured i could put up with a handful of party boys and girls if i needed to. (after all - Greg, you've given me at least a little training in that, right?)

Right. But what i didn't bargain for was the absolute filth of this place. Picture the physical setting when i arrived...

-Bathroom: Toilet seat broken. Sink non-functional. No toilet paper ("until at least tomorrow").
-Kitchen: Dirty dishes, with all their leftover crap, piled above faucet level in the sink. Crumbs and sauce and god knows what else all over the place. Mold growing in the "common food."
-Bedroom: More food, naturally, occupying (definitely "beyond the height of the cubicle", too) every inch of desk space.

Add to the visual:

The stench! You can imagine, i'm sure, with the help of the visual aids.

The chatter of - could the company possibly be worse? - English prep school girls. Try to imagine a cross of English snobbery, disgusting privelege, and Valley Girl sensibility. (And a curious mix of all those accents and intonations, too.) Actual snippets of the conversation polluting the aural environment of the residence : (in English, of course; the Valley-Brits don't seem especially motivated to learn French, considering that they're in the same level I'm in, and I've studied for literally a train ride, and they've studied in France for three months)

- "Daddy promised to buy me a piglet for Christmas. I'm going to call it "Pony". Then I'll have a horse named "Piglet" and a pig named "Pony"; huh!"

- "And then i have to fly to Argentina. In economy; in economy! It's going to be horrible; i've never flown in economy before;"

So ... i've been spending a lot of time not there. Which isn't a problem at all: I go to the beach!


Te Kavs Travelogue said...

Hi Leah,
Good to read about your escapades. Sounds like you are having a great experience. Keep up the messages.....loved the photos and even recognised some of them

Leah Ashe said...

Hi Des and Kathy - Thanks for keeping up with my blog ... and for leaving comments. It really is a great experience ... you'll have to keep me posted on your next adventure with a blog - your travels sound pretty awesome themselves!