Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fresh OJ

Two big pieces of news . . .

The first . . . I'm in! Yesterday, December 17th, was Selection Day for my program at the University of Bologna (The Master in the History and Culture of Food). I had my interview over the phone with the director - and I'll admit, I was sweating a little. But he was extremely nice, I could tell he made a special effort to speak clearly so as not to make me work too hard with the language, and - this is key - it turned out to be less worrisome than I thought, because they didn't reach the maximum number of people in the program. The bottom line: "I'M IN!"

And second - I am staying with Alessandro and his family in Joppolo, Calabria, and they are awesome! I've been eating like a champ and - good thing they're good for you! - eating about twenty fresh, delicious, juicy oranges every day! Great family, great food, great coast . . .

A presto.

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