Wednesday, March 5, 2008

And before the internet?

I've been a technology fan for quite some time (with the exception of TV, which I continue to boycott, though now not by choice: my landlord refuses to fix it). But I made an awesome discovery today: Google Scholar. If you haven't made a trip to the "Google Extras" page, I recommend a visit. Last year I got hooked on Google Desktop for finding "stuff" that I'd buried away in long-lost folders of my desktop, and now - wow! - I'm becoming a huge fan of Google Scholar and Google Books. They're awesome. You can find full-text articles from authoritative but obscure journals - and full-text versions of some recent books. Man, am I ever a fan of Google.

Let's hope Google doesn't have any major ethics problems in the next twenty years - because they just about control the world of information. If Google were to blackball someone, some country, some ideology - I think that person, place, or idea would, for all practical purposes, cease to exist. I guess that's kind of what Google does in China, right? I'd like to think that "the West" has a kind of tradition of inquiry and innovation that would prevent something like that from controlling the "informational patrimony." But I know it doesn't: Has anyone yet seen dead soldiers on TV?

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