Friday, September 24, 2010

Reindeer and Doggie-Woggies

Yesterday I saw French couple walking their dogs. Actually, I heard them before I saw them. Little Precious I and Little Precious II were pitter-pattering, at just about the pace of their self-absorbed owners, through my guided historical tour. Only I and II had little weiner-legs suspended from their bellies, and jinglebells from their necks. My tour group oohed and awed and said how cute, but I just thought to myself: what on earth is the purpose of those damn jinglebells? Are your puppies in danger of flying off into the polar wildnerness and getting confused with Santa's flying reindeer? Do they normally pasture in Alpine meadows alongside your elderly bergher-neighbor Hansel's fondue-yielding cows? And why, in God's good name, are the bells that big? Giving Precious I and Precious II bells of that size is something along the lines of suiting Rudolph up with the Liberty Bell.

And you're going to jingle them through my tour for twenty minutes?!

Come on, man.

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