Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Eat Chestnuts!

I've been using my camera more lately, and it occurred to me today that I could use it to get around one of Italy's Big Inconveniences. Here's how:

The copisterie - the copy shops - are a huge scam. I really should go out and buy an HP printer-copier-scanner and make some bucks myself. A copy is usually five euro-cents, which seems reasonable. Unless you're copying any part of a book, in which case there's a five-to-ten euro-cent per-page surcharge. I realize that it's not ethical to copy a book, but it seems to me that there's a huge difference between copying Figure 15.14 on page 233 of the book and copying the book, and that the first doesn't come anywhere near warranting a twice-the-price surcharge. (Overpriced copiers are also, for convenience, located in the libraries. From which it's quite often prohibited to borrow books.) If you want to do anything in color, it's at least a euro. And this is the winner: To scan a document into the computer: 1 euro per page. To review: Paper use: zero. Ink use: zero. Energy use: minimal. Cost: 1 euro. It's absurd. Also, you're not allowed to make your own copies. The trained copy expert must exercise his or her extraordinary skill (Paper? Check. Index finger? Check.) and make the copy for you. Which, of course, means that you must wait in line, since there's a maximum of one employee in any copy shop, and the person in front of you will want to make six copies of his doctoral thesis.

I’m doing some research now on the chestnut. It’s awesome. I joked that I was going to do my master’s thesis on the chestnut, but maybe it wasn’t a joke. It’s really interesting! Did you know that 70% of the world’s chestnut production takes place in China? Actually, I have another idea I’m fixed on for my thesis now: Something having to do with the hallucigenic use of food in traditional religions. Wouldn’t that be cool? And maybe an excuse for some hands-on research. Of the traveling type. Of the physical traveling type. :)

Here’s a quick video I took the other day. It’s Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, about five minutes from house, where they had a soccer tournament there last weekend.

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